Welcome to your guide on getting started with an existing support team using Gist. This manual will walk you through the essential steps to become a proficient team member, ensuring you are well-equipped to provide outstanding support.

Level 1 - Set up your Gist experience

1. Upload avatar (2 minutes)

Personalize your profile by uploading a friendly and professional avatar. This adds a human touch to your interactions.

You'll need:

  • A happy, professional photograph.

Setup your Gist profile

2. Update notification preferences (2 minutes)

Stay informed by customizing your notification settings to suit your work style.

You'll need:

  • None.

Never miss a conversation with Inbox notifications

3. Review previous conversations (5+ minutes)

Gain context and insights by reviewing past conversations.

You'll need:

  • None.

Browse through previous conversations in the Inbox to familiarize yourself with common queries and solutions.

4. Create snippets (5+ minutes)

Streamline responses by creating snippets for frequently asked questions.

You'll need:

  • A list of common queries.
  • Prepared responses.

Create and manage conversation snippets

5. Customize Inbox with apps (2+ minutes)

Enhance your Inbox with apps for better context and actionability in conversations.

You'll need:

  • None.

Add and configure apps within the Inbox to streamline your workflow.

Level 2 - Building on the Basics

1. Write articles (10+ minutes)

Contribute to the knowledge base by writing helpful articles for users.

You'll need:

  • Topic ideas for articles.
  • Content and structure for each article.

Create informative articles that address common user questions

2. Create collections (5+ minutes)

Organize articles into collections for easier user navigation.

You'll need:

  • None.

Organize your articles into collections and sections

3. Turn on your Knowledge Base (10+ minutes)

Make your Help Center accessible to users.

You'll need:

  • Help Center URL.

How do I turn my Knowledge Base on?

4. Set up Emma and Custom Answers (5+ minutes)

Personalize Emma to represent your support team effectively and create specific answers for common queries.

You'll need:

  • Emma AI/Custom Answers access.
  • Common questions identification.
  • Prepared answer content.

Manage your Emma content

5. Train Custom Answers (10+ minutes)

Enhance Emma's effectiveness by training it with example questions.

You'll need:

  • None.

Create your first custom answer

6. Create a New Conversation Bot (10+ minutes)

Streamline conversation management with automated bot flows.

You'll need:

  • None.

Triage inbound conversations with New Conversation Bots

7. Create Product Tours (10+ minutes)

Develop interactive tours to guide users through resolving their issues.

You'll need:

  • Content and structure for the tour.

Craft multi-step Product Tours to assist users

🎉 Congratulations! With these steps completed, you are now a fully integrated member of your Gist support team, ready to provide exceptional support at scale. Remember, the key to success in a support role is continuous learning and adaptation. Keep exploring Gist's features to enhance your skills and efficiency.