The Gist Messenger JavaScript API provides a powerful set of methods that allow you to interact with Gist Messenger programmatically and track user behaviour on your website. This guide will walk you through the various API methods and their usage, enabling you to leverage the full capabilities of Gist Messenger.

This document covers the following API Methods:

  1. Identify Leads and Users
  2. Track Custom Events
  3. Check If Gist Chat API Is Ready
  4. Change the width of the Messenger Widget
  5. Hide the Messenger Widget
  6. Show the Messenger Widget
  7. Open the Messenger Widget
  8. Close the Messenger Widget
  9. Show the Messenger Launcher
  10. Hide the Messenger Launcher
  11. Change the layout of the Messenger
  12. Clear session cookies for logged-out users
  13. Callback when unread messages count changes
  14. Navigate to a specific screen
  15. Launch Gist Messenger on Clicking a Link
  16. Open a New Conversation on Clicking a Link
  17. Trigger a Custom Bot Conversation on Clicking a Link
  18. Trigger Outbound Messages on Clicking a Link
  19. Open a Help Article within Messenger
  20. Gist JavaScript Events
  21. Troubleshooting

Identifying Leads and Users with Gist JavaScript API

The gist.identify() method allows you to push contact data into Gist, identifying leads and users. If the contact is not yet in your workspace, a new record will be created for them; otherwise, their record will be updated with the information you provide.

1. Track Logged-In Users And Their Properties

To track logged-in users and send their data to Gist, use the following code:

gist.identify("12345", { 
    "email": "", 
    "name": "John Doe",
    "subdomain": "app", // Put quotes around text strings
    "active_accounts": 1872, // Send numbers without quotes
    "last_paid_at" : 1283495946, // Send dates in unix timestamp format and end key names with "_at"
    "teammates": null, // Send null when no value exists for a user
    "tags": "Free, popular", // Multiple tags can be added separated by comma
    "overwrite_tags": false // Defaults to false. If set to false, will merge the tags

This is primarily used to track logged-in users; for instance, a membership site or your SaaS app, and you want to send those users and their data to Gist.

The identify method requires the user_id and email attributes, while other attributes are optional. Custom attributes can be added as key-value pairs. Keys should be lowercase, with words separated by underscores.

Here's a more detailed guide on how to identify your users/customers.

2. Track Leads Without Custom Properties

If you want to track leads or subscribers who are not registered on your site, use the following code:


Replace "email_address" with the actual email address.

3. Track Leads With Custom Properties - Version 1

To send custom attributes along with the email address, use the following code:

    email: "email_address",
    name: "name",
    restaurant_type: "fine_dining"

4. Track Leads With Custom Properties - Version 2

If you're already using JavaScript code to identify logged-in users, you can use the same syntax, providing an empty string for the user_id:

gist.identify("", {
    email: "email_address",
    name: "name",
    restaurant_type: "fine_dining"

Track Custom Events

The gist.track() method allows you to record specific actions that a contact has taken. Tracked events can be viewed in the contact's timeline.

gist.track("Registered", {
  plan: "Pro Annual",
  accountType: "Facebook"

The first argument is the name of the action to be recorded, while the second argument is an optional metadata object that can be used to provide additional information about the event.

Here's a separate detailed guide to learn how you can send custom events to your Gist workspace.

Track Pageviews in Single Page Apps

The Gist tracking code automatically tracks all pageviews and events for you, so you won't have to. Having said that, if you wish to track a pageview forcefully, this method is appropriate for that.


This is particularly useful on a Single Page Application where a URL change doesn’t necessarily cause a page refresh; in this case, you might want to call this method to initiate a page view call manually. In general, you can do that by simply calling:

window.onhashchange = function () {

The actual implementation, however, would depend on the client-side framework you use, particularly its Router component.

Gist JavaScript API for Messenger

Check If Gist Chat API Is Ready

The gistChatReady is triggered when Messenger widget is loaded and the API is ready for use. You can use this event to ensure the API methods are available before calling them.

// This callback gets executed once Gist Messenger is fully loaded and all API methods are available
document.addEventListener('gistChatReady', function () {
    // your code goes here
    console.log('The api is ready now');

It is highly recommended that you wrap any usage of the method around the gistChatReady event listener.

Changing the Width of the Messenger

You can customize the width of the Messenger by including custom styles on your website. Here's an example code to manually configure the width:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
    .gist-messenger-iframe {
        width: 420px!important; // default is 380px;

Alternatively, you can use JavaScript to dynamically change the position, height, and width of the Messenger:

// Change the BOTTOM_SPACING and WIDTH values
var BOTTOM_SPACING = 110; // offset from the bottom
var WIDTH = 400;

var widget = document.getElementsByClassName("gist-messenger-iframe")[0]; = BOTTOM_SPACING + "px";
var heightOffset = BOTTOM_SPACING + 20; = "calc(100% - " + heightOffset + "px)"; = WIDTH + "px";

Adjust the values of BOTTOM_SPACING and WIDTH to suit your needs.

Hide the Messenger Widget

You can hide the Gist Messenger widget using the'hide') method. This method is useful if you want to hide the chat messenger by default on a page and only display it when an event is triggered by your users, such as clicking a link or a button.

document.addEventListener('gistReady', function () {'hide');

Make sure to enclose the'hide') method within a 'gistReady' event listener and not in a 'gistChatReady' event.

Show the Messenger Widget

To display the Gist Messenger widget on a specific page, you can use the'show') method. Typically, it's called after Messenger is hidden using'hide') method that allows you to show Messenger only on specific pages of your website, such as your app or member login area.'show');

You can use this API call to show Messenger only on specific pages of your website, such as your 'app' or member login area.

Open the Messenger Widget

You can open the Gist Messenger widget to the last page the user was on if it is currently closed."open");

Close the Messenger Widget

You can close the Messenger widget if it is currently open."close");

Show the Messenger Launcher

The Messenger Launcher is a small icon that users can click to open the Messenger widget. It will not affect the main Messenger panel."showLauncher");

Hide the Messenger Launcher

If the Messenger Launcher is currently visible, you can hide it. It will not affect the main Messenger panel."hideLauncher");

Change the layout of the Messenger

You can change the layout of the Messenger widget using the method. The available options are "sidebar" and "standard".

To change the layout to sidebar mode:"sidebar");

To change the layout to standard mode:"standard");

Clear session cookies for logged-out users

If you're using the identify method to track your logged-in users, you should call the Gist shutdown method to clear the users' conversations and identity when they log out of your application. This ensures the next person using the computer doesn't see any previous history.

To clear the session cookies, use the following code:'shutdown');

Alternatively, you can also clear cookies for visitors who do not grant consent to store cookies. For example, you can add the following code to remove the cookies when a visitor clicks an element with the removeCookies id:

Example code to remove the cookies when a visitor clicks an element with the 'removeCookies' id.
document.getElementById("removeCookies").onclick = function() {'shutdown');

Callback When Unread Messages Count Changes

The onGistUnreadCountChange event is triggered when a new incoming message arrives, and the unread messages count changes for the visitor. You can register a function that will be called immediately whenever the current number of unread messages changes.

document.addEventListener("onGistUnreadCountChange", function(e) {
  console.log(window.gistUnreadCount); // prints out the unread message count

You can use the window.gistUnreadCount variable to update your custom unread counter or badge.

Code Example: customize Messenger widget using JS API

The following snippet uses the hide() and show() methods to hide the Messenger widget from visitors until they receive a message.

// hide the widget when it first loads
document.addEventListener('gistChatReady', function () {'hideLauncher');

// open the Messenger widget when you receive a message
document.addEventListener("onGistUnreadCountChange", function(e) {
  if(window.gistUnreadCount > 0)'open');

You can programmatically switch to specific screens within Messenger using the available routes.

To navigate to the Welcome screen:"navigate", "home"); // Welcome screen

To navigate to the Previous Conversations screen:"navigate", "conversations"); // Previous Conversations screen

To navigate to the new conversation page:"navigate", "newConversation"); // Message screen

To navigate to the new conversation page with pre-filled text in the response text box"navigate", "newConversation","insert text"); // Message screen

To navigate to the Search page"navigate", "articles"); // Search screen

To navigate to the Search page with a pre-filled query in the search box"navigate", "articles?q=insert-test-here"); // Search screen

You can launch the Gist Messenger without the Gist launcher by calling the following API method:'show'); // call if Messenger widget is hidden'open'); // open the Messenger widget

For example, you can add a link anywhere on your site, including HTML text or buttons on a particular page, and turn it into your own custom Gist Messenger launcher. If you're using the jQuery library, you can use the following code to attach the click event listener to an element with the gist-launcher-link class:

$(".gist-launcher-link").on("click", function(e) {

Make sure to replace .gist-launcher-link with the appropriate CSS selector for your link element.

You can set up Gist to launch the chat messenger when your users perform a specific event on your website, such as clicking a link or a 'Contact Us' button. To make this happen, you can call the following API."navigate", "newConversation");

This function can also take an optional second parameter to pre-populate the message composer, as shown in the code example below."navigate", "newConversation", "insert pre-populated text");

For example, you can add a link anywhere on your site, including HTML text or buttons on a particular page, which, when clicked, will load the Gist chat messenger ready for a new conversation. This can be used to enable chat to only those users that perform those actions and avoid everyone else.

If you have any questions about our pricing, please <a href="#" onclick="'navigate', 'newConversation', 'Question about pricing: ')">contact our support team</a>

Example use case:

If you do not wish to display the chat messenger by default but only launch it when a user clicks on a link or button on that page, you can use a combination of the'hide'); and"navigate", "newConversation"); calls to achieve this.

You can trigger a custom bot conversation when your visitors click a link using #GistLink. When you create a bot, make sure you give it a GistLink so you can use it to trigger the bot:

var GIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR = 'gist-open-bot'; // Replace this with the ID of the button that triggers the bot.
var GIST_LINK = "#testbot123"; // Replace testbot123 text with your bot's Gist Link.
window.onload= function () {
  document.addEventListener('gistChatReady', function () {
    const button = document.getElementById(GIST_BUTTON_SELECTOR);
    button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
      var url_obj = new URL(window.location.href);
      url_obj.hash = GIST_LINK; 

And make sure the button or link you want to trigger the bot has the "gist-open-bot" ID.

<button type="button" id="gist-open-bot">Click Me!</button>

You can trigger any of the outbound messages, such as Surveys, Forms, Chat, Post and Bot messages, when your visitors click a link using the Trigger API.

Here's the syntax for the trigger calls.


gist.trigger('survey', SURVEY_ID);


gist.trigger('form', FORM_ID);


gist.trigger('chat', CHAT_ID);


gist.trigger('post', POST_ID);


gist.trigger('bot', BOT_ID);


gist.trigger('tour', TOUR_ID);

Replace SURVEY_ID, FORM_ID, CHAT_ID, POST_ID, BOT_ID and TOUR_ID from above with the ID of the messages. You can find them within the URL on the editor page when you open it in your workspace.

For example, the URL for the survey is structured like this:[WORKSPACE_ID]/surveys/[SURVEY_ID]

Open a Help Article within Messenger

There are many ways to open a Help Article within Messenger via any element on your site, and you can choose to do it using a custom HTML data attribute or with the Gist JavaScript API.

All you’ll need is the Article’s ID, which can be found in the URL of the article you want to open. The editor URL is structured like this:[ARTICLE ID]-article-slug

Using Custom HTML

Data attributes are the simplest way to open a Help Article via any link or button on your site. There are two different attributes you can choose from, which can be used to open the article in Messenger or in a sidebar. Check out the examples and demos below for more information on how to use them.


<!-- Open Article in Messenger-->
<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-gist-article="ARTICLE_ID"></a>

<!-- Open Article in a sidebar -->
<a href="javascript:void(0)" data-gist-article-sidebar="ARTICLE_ID"></a>

Using JS API

Alternatively, you can use the'article') method to open the Article within Messenger or in a sidebar. This is helpful when your trigger is something other than a link or a button or when you’d like the article to show up automatically using your own custom logic.

Note: If the Messenger is closed when this method is called, it will also open the Messenger automatically.


// Open Article in Messenger'article', 'ARTICLE_ID')

// Open Article in a sidebar'article', 'ARTICLE_ID', 'sidebar')

If you are not familiar with Javascript code, don't fret. Here's a quick HTML code that you can copy into your page to open any article you need.

<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="'article', 'ARTICLE_ID')"></a>

Replace ARTICLE_ID with the ID of the article from the URL structure.

Gist JavaScript Event

You can use our JS API to send Gist events to an outside platform or trigger custom JavaScript to build plugins of your own.

Initialize your Gist Messenger

The ready event indicates that Gist Messenger is ready for use.

document.addEventListener("gistChatReady", function(e) {
  // your code goes here

Messenger Events

If you want to listen for the Messenger window opening or closing to perform any event or visual updates on your site, you can use the messenger:opened and messenger:closed events.

Messenger opened

// Triggers when the Messenger has been opened
document.addEventListener('messenger:opened', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Messenger closed

// Triggers when the Messenger has been closed
document.addEventListener('messenger:closed', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Conversation Events

Conversation started

The conversation:started event fires when the user starts a new chat conversation in Messenger.

// Triggers when a new conversation has started
document.addEventListener('conversation:started', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Conversation opened

The conversation:opened event is triggered when the user selects a conversation from their history in the Messenger.

// Triggers when a conversation has been opened
document.addEventListener('conversation:opened', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Both these conversation events pass the conversationId as payload.

Conversation feedback

The converastion:feedback event is triggered when the user submits their feedback on a conversation they had with your team.

// Triggers when a satisfaction rating has been left
document.addEventListener('conversation:feedback', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes the conversationId and rating object as payload.

Message Events

Message sent

The message:sent event fires when the user replies to a conversation.

// Triggers when a message has been sent
document.addEventListener('message:sent', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Message received

The message:received event fires when the user receives a reply to a conversation from a teammate.

// Triggers when a message has been received
document.addEventListener('message:received', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Both these conversation events pass the conversationId and message as payload.

Email Captured

The email:captured event fires when the user enters their email address in the Messenger.

// Triggers when an email address has been captured
document.addEventListener('email:captured', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes the email user submitted as a payload.

GDPR consent

The gdpr:clicked event fires when the user clicks on the yes or no consent buttons as part of the form prior to starting a conversation.

// Triggers when the GDPR form has been submitted
document.addEventListener('gdpr:clicked', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes the email, accepted and visitorId as a payload.

Meeting Events

Meeting requested

The meeting: requested event fires when a meeting request has been pushed to a conversation when a bot flow triggers it or when a member of your team shares a calendar to a conversation.

// Triggers when a meeting has been requested
document.addEventListener('meeting:requested', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes the conversationId as payload.

Meeting booked

The meeting:booked event fires when the user books a meeting with a member of your team.

// Triggers when a meeting has been scheduled
document.addEventListener('meeting:booked', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes the meeting object as payload.

In-App Message Events

The triggeredMessage:fired event is triggered when the in-app message is shown to your visitor.

// Triggers when an in-app chat message has been sent
document.addEventListener('triggeredMessage:fired', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

The triggeredMessage:clicked event is triggered when the user interacts with an in-app message by clicking on the message.

// Triggers when an in-app chat message has been clicked
document.addEventListener('triggeredMessage:clicked', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

The triggeredMessage:dismissed event is triggered when the in-app message is closed by your visitor by clicking on the close button next to the message.

// Triggers when an in-app chat message has been dismissed
document.addEventListener('triggeredMessage:dismissed', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

These in-app message events pass the conversationId, message and assistantId as payload.

Chatbot Events

Chatbot fired

The chatbot:fired event is triggered when the welcome message of the chatbot is shown to your visitor.

// Triggers when a chat bot has been triggered
document.addEventListener('chatbot:fired', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

Chatbot button clicked

The chatbot:buttonClicked event fires when the user clicks on a button in chat as a response to a bot question.

// Triggers when a button response in a chatbot has been clicked
document.addEventListener('chatbot:buttonClicked', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

These bot events pass the conversationId, buttonText, buttonId, questionId and createdAt as payload.

Article Events

Article viewed

The article:viewed event is triggered when a user views an article within Messenger.

// Triggers when an article has been viewed
document.addEventListener('article:viewed', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes articleId, articleTitle, articleUrl and authorId as payload.

Article searched

The article:searched event is triggered when a user searches for an article in the Messenger.

// Triggers when an article has been searched
document.addEventListener('article:searched', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes searchTerm and resultsCount as payload.

Article feedback

The article:feedback event is triggered when a visitor leaves feedback on any article.

// Triggers when feedback has been left for an article
document.addEventListener('article:feedback', function (data) {
  // your code goes here
}, false);

This event passes articleId and rating object as payload.

An example script

This example shows listening to a variety of Gist client-side events and logging their contents whenever they happen.



Any Gist JS API method may be executed manually. Use the Network tab to inspect requests.

How do I open the Javascript console in your debugger?

The Javascript console reveals all requests, outbound and inbound, to your browser. Additionally, you may execute valid Javascript.

Chrome: COMMAND+OPTION+J (Mac) or CTRL+SHIFT+J (Windows).

Firefox: COMMAND+OPTION+K (Mac) or CTRL+SHIFT+K (Windows) and then click on the Console tab.

Safari: COMMAND+OPTION+I (Mac) or CTRL+ALT+I (Windows) and then click on the Console tab.

IE: F12 and then click on the Console tab.

Are you loading Gist Tracking Code?

Open the Javascript console and enter gist. Does it return an object, as seen below?

The object means that you are successfully loading Gist tracking code onto your website. If you get an undefined error, the tracking code hass not loading successfully:

Are you loading two instances of Gist tracking code?

Please note that you cannot load the tracking code twice on the same page, even if you’re using different workspace IDs. You might encounter Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. You can conditionally set the Workspace ID based on an environment variable.


var workspaceId;
ENV === 'production' ? workspaceId = 'A' : workspaceId = 'B';

Do you have any ad blockers enabled in your browser?

Gist uses cookies/local storage to store information about users in the browser. Ad blockers prevent cookies and other data we rely on to make valid requests to the tracking servers. Some portion of users are probably using ad blockers, which prevent the Gist tracking code from fully executing. Both desktop and mobile browsers are impacted.

Is your website deployed under a domain on the Public Suffix List?

The Public Suffix List is a catalogue of certain Internet-effective top-level domains–enumerating all domain suffixes controlled by registrars.

The implications of these domain suffixes is that first-party cookies cannot be set on them. Meaning, can share cookie access with, but should be walled off from cookies at Different owners could register the latter two domains.

Examples of domains on the Public Suffix List that are common in troubleshooting include:

  • *
  • *
  • *

Common Questions

Q: How can I identify leads and users using the Gist JavaScript API?

To identify leads and users, you can use the gist.identify() method and pass the necessary contact data, such as email, name, and any custom attributes. This method creates a new record for new contacts or updates the existing record with the provided information.

Q: What are the different ways to track custom events with the Gist JavaScript API?

You can track custom events using the gist.track() method. Simply provide the name of the action you want to record as the first argument and include optional metadata as a map in the second argument. This allows you to record and track specific actions performed by your contacts.

Q: How can I check if the Gist Chat API is ready for use?

You can listen for the gistChatReady event, which is triggered when the Gist Messenger widget is loaded and the API methods are available. Once this event is fired, you can safely use the Gist Chat API for further interactions.

Q: Can I customize the width of the Messenger widget?

Yes, you can customize the width of the Messenger widget by adding custom styles to your website. You can use CSS media queries or JavaScript to modify the width of the widget dynamically based on different screen sizes or specific requirements.

Q: How can I hide or show the Gist Messenger widget programmatically?

You can hide the Messenger widget using the'hide') method and show it again using the'show') method. These API calls allow you to control the visibility of the Messenger widget based on user actions or specific conditions.

Q: Is it possible to open or close the Messenger widget programmatically?

Yes, you can programmatically open the Messenger widget using the"open") method and close it using the"close") method. These API calls allow you to control the state of the Messenger widget to provide a seamless user experience.

Q: How can I show or hide the Messenger Launcher independently from the main Messenger widget?

You can show the Messenger Launcher using the"showLauncher") method and hide it using the"hideLauncher") method. These methods allow you to control the visibility of the Launcher separately from the main Messenger widget.

Q: Can I change the layout of the Messenger widget?

Yes, you can change the layout of the Messenger widget by using the method with the "sidebar" or "standard" parameter. Setting the layout to "sidebar" changes the widget's appearance to a sidebar mode, while "standard" revert it to the default layout.

Q: How can I navigate to a specific screen within the Messenger widget?

You can navigate to specific screens within Messenger using the"navigate", screen) method. Available screens include the Welcome screen, Previous Conversations, New Conversation, and Search. You can also pre-fill text or query parameters for specific screens.

Q: Can I launch Gist Messenger by clicking a link or button on my website?

Yes, you can launch Gist Messenger by attaching an event listener to a link or button element on your website. Use the'show') and'open') methods within the event listener to display and open the Messenger widget programmatically.

Q: How can I trigger a custom bot conversation when a user clicks a link?

You can trigger a custom bot conversation using gist.trigger('bot', BOT_ID); when someone clicks a link. Make sure you replace BOT_ID with the bot's ID. When the user clicks the link, the specified bot conversation.

Q: How can I open a specific help article within Gist Messenger?

To open a help article within Gist Messenger, you can use the'navigate', 'article', articleSlug) method. Replace articleSlug with the slug of the article, you want to open. This allows users to access relevant help articles directly from Messenger.

Q: What JavaScript events are available for Gist Messenger interactions?

Gist provides several JavaScript events for different actions and interactions within Messenger. These events include gistChatReady, gistReady, onGistUnreadCountChange, and events related to conversations, messages, email capture, GDPR consent, meetings, in-app messages, chatbots, and articles. You can listen to these events using the document.addEventListener() method to perform custom actions or integrations.

Q: How can I troubleshoot issues related to the Gist JavaScript API?

If you encounter any issues with the Gist JavaScript API, you can use the browser's developer tools to inspect network requests and check for errors in the console. Make sure you have properly loaded the Gist tracking code, avoid loading it twice on the same page, and consider if any ad blockers are interfering. You can also refer to the troubleshooting section in this guide for solutions or reach out to the Gist support team for assistance.

Need Help?

If you have any questions, please start a Live Chat. Just "Click" on the Chat Icon in the lower right corner to talk with our support team.