
Q: How quickly will Emma import articles from my Help Center?

The bot is designed to be efficient and quick in importing your support content. Generally, it takes less than 30 minutes to import articles from your Help Center and make them available for use. The exact time may vary depending on the volume and complexity of the content, but it is optimized to handle the process swiftly to ensure seamless integration with your support content.

Q: Can Emma be branded/renamed?

Absolutely! Emma is fully customizable to fit your brand image better. It can be renamed, and its identity settings can be adjusted in Settings > Bot Identity. This means that any branding you had for your custom bots will be carried over to Emma, maintaining consistency in your customer interactions. You can customize elements such as the bot's name, avatar, and language to provide a personalized experience that aligns with your company's brand. This feature allows it to seamlessly integrate into your business's existing customer service framework, enhancing brand recognition and trust.

Q: Can Emma respond to conversations created via the API?

Currently, Emma is designed to operate primarily across Messenger, including on web, iOS, and Android platforms. It is not yet configured to respond to conversations initiated via Email, Facebook, or the REST API. The focus on Messenger ensures seamless and intuitive user interactions with Emma.

While the integration of Emma with REST API or other conversation creation methods may be a future consideration, as of now, the functionality is not supported. We recommend keeping an eye on product updates for any changes or additions to these capabilities.


Q: How often does Emma update with changes to articles or external content?

Emma is designed to stay as up-to-date as possible with your content. For any changes or updates made to your Articles, it will reflect these changes immediately, ensuring that it always provides the most current information to your customers.

However, when it comes to external content linked through a public URL, Emma performs updates and synchronization on a weekly basis. This means that any changes to the external content may not be reflected immediately in Emma's responses.

If you need it to reflect changes in external content sooner than the weekly sync, there's a workaround available. You can manually remove and re-sync the content to update it immediately. This ensures that Emma always delivers the most accurate and timely information, even when drawing from external content sources.

Q: Can we restrict certain articles from Emma?

Yes, you can restrict certain articles from being suggested by Emma. The bot draws its knowledge from all articles that are published and added to a collection in your Help Center. If there are certain articles that you do not wish Emma to use, you can effectively hide them from the bot by either unpublishing them or removing them from a collection.

By doing so, these articles will not be visible in your Help Center and, consequently, will not be accessed by Emma. This gives you control over the content Emma uses to interact with your customers, ensuring that the information provided aligns with your specific support strategies and policies.

Q: Will Emma read images, screenshots, and videos from articles?

No, Emma is currently designed to process and interpret text-based content only. This means it cannot read or interpret information contained within images, screenshots, or videos from your articles.

When interacting with customers, Emma draws its responses solely from the text in the body of your articles. While this includes all forms of written content, it does not extend to visual or multimedia content. Therefore, any crucial information intended for customer support should be included in the text format within your articles to ensure that Emma can access and utilize it.

Q: Can Emma read ALT text in images?

No, Emma is currently unable to interpret ALT text associated with images. Its capabilities are centered around processing and understanding text-based content within your articles, but it doesn't extend to ALT text within images or other multimedia elements. For Emma to access and utilize any piece of information, it should be included in the main body of the text within your articles.


Q: How can I train or optimize AI Answers Emma delivers?

Optimizing the AI Answers delivered by Emma is primarily done by refining and enhancing your support content, which serves as the foundation of the bot's responses. Here's how you can achieve this:

  • Maintain High-Quality Content: Ensure your articles are accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive. Detailed and precise articles give Emma a robust knowledge base to draw from when providing answers.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Emma, like any AI, works best with clear, concise, and well-structured content. Avoid complex jargon and ambiguous terms that could potentially confuse the bot.
  • Organize Your Content: Categorize your articles and information in a systematic way. This will enable Emma to navigate your resources efficiently.
  • Regularly Update Your Content: Regularly review and update your articles to reflect any changes in your products, services, or policies.
  • Make Content AI-Friendly: The AI works best with text. While Emma currently can't interpret images or videos, ensuring all critical information is available in text form can significantly enhance the quality of the bot's responses.

Remember, while AI Answers are generated from existing support content, you also have the option of creating Custom Answers. Custom Answers are a powerful tool for handling complex cases or providing specific responses you want to deliver in a particular manner. By combining AI Answers and Custom Answers, you can create a comprehensive and effective support experience for your customers.

Q: Can I associate the question asked with a different/better article than the one Emma used?

Currently, Emma relies on artificial intelligence to match customer queries with the most appropriate articles in your Help Center based on the information within them. This is a fully automated process, and as such, there isn't a direct method to manually associate a question with a different or specific article post-response.

However, you can indirectly influence how Emma selects articles by refining your support content. If you notice that Emma is frequently selecting a particular article that isn't quite the best fit, consider updating the content of the articles you'd prefer to select. Make the desired articles more detailed, specific, and relevant to the queries being asked.

Additionally, you can utilize Custom Answers for those queries where you desire a specific response. By crafting custom responses for certain questions, you can ensure that your customers receive the exact information you want them to have.

Remember, the AI is continually learning and improving its ability to associate questions with the most relevant articles, and it uses your support content as its knowledge base. So the more refined and accurate your articles are, the better Emma will be at selecting the most appropriate responses.